Mount Sinai Hospital hosted the 4th Annual Measuring Health Equity Symposium for TC LHIN hospitals at Bridgepoint Active Health Care. The focus of the symposium was on “How to Collect and Use Demographic Data with Care”. The event was attended by 37 representatives from TC LHIN hospitals as well as 12 representatives from Health Quality Ontario, research groups, and other LHINs interested in patient demographic data collection. Highlights from the day included a panel with presenters from TC LHIN and University Health Network who facilitated discussion on how demographic data collection can drive equitable care at system, organizational, and clinical levels. Information was also shared on how TC LHIN hospitals were progressing with patient demographic data collection, highlighting successes and identifying priorities to ensure that hospitals continue to collect high quality data. Group discussions provided participants an opportunity to share strategies, tips and tools for collecting and using the data. The symposium ended with a patient-focused presentation by Carla Rice and Fran Odette from Project Re●Vision. Through the use of digital stores created by people living with disabilities, they challenged participants to re-vision how we think and talk about disability in health care settings; shifting the perspective from disability as a diagnosis to disability as part of our identity, and as a result, re-imagining how institutional spaces can be constructed ways that are more open and accessible for everyone. For more information about Project Re●Vision, visit